
How To Get Mime Jr Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go regional exclusives tie a handful of the first four Generations to specific locations around the globe.

With the addition of Gen 5 comes the most recent set of regional exclusive Pokémon - Pansage, Pansear, Panpour, Heatmor, Durant - contributing to an already long list, with regions being divided up along all kinds of geographical barriers, from entire hemispheres to specific parts of individual countries.

Since their release, by and large the creatures have remained locked to their specific regions, except in a handful of special events or regional swaps.

So unless you travel a lot - or have Friends willing to Trade them - you might have to be patient for them to arrive on your shores.

Here on this page we'll run through the entire Pokémon Go regional exclusives list, as well as providing all regional exclusive locations of course, so you can get out and find them.

On this page:

  • Pokémon Go regional exclusives map and how regional exclusives work in Pokémon Go
  • Pokémon Go Regional Exclusives List - all regional exclusive Pokémon for Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, North America, South America, and New Zealand
  • How to catch Tauros, Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime and Farfetch'd regionals in Pokémon Go
  • How to catch Heracross and Corsola in Pokémon Go
  • How to catch Relicanth, Illumise, Volbeat, Torkoal, Tropius, Zangoose, Seviper, Solrock and Lunatone in Pokémon Go
  • How to catch Pachirisu, Carnivine, Chatot and Mime Jr. regionals in Pokémon Go
  • How to catch Throh, Sawk, Basculin, Maractus, Sigilyph and Bouffalant regionals in Pokémon Go
  • How to catch Klefki in Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go - Go Beyond Update and Gen 6 teaser

Pokémon Go regional exclusives map and how regional exclusives work in Pokémon Go

Each generation of Pokémon has several creatures you can only find in specific regions. These can be specific countries (such as the USA's Tauros), entire continents (Europe's Mr. Mime), certain regions (Corsola in the Tropics) and even 'halves' of the planet (such as Lunatone and Solrock).

These creatures are fairly common spawns in these regions, so if you are visiting for a short period, it won't take long to find them.

Regionals can be found spawning in the wild - so don't expect them in gyms or in nests. From September 2019, regionals have also been made available in Eggs - but only from their respective regions. This is also the only way to get Mime Jr., the Gen 4 pre-evolution to Gen 1's regional exclusive Mr Mime.

If you don't travel, then don't fret. Gen 3 has shown these creatures can swap round occasionally (such as Zangoose and Seviper) or drop regional exclusivity altogether (Plusle and Minun) and as mentioned above, shift temporarily for special events, such as Farfetch'd during Pokémon Go's 2017 Travel Challenge.

Below you'll find a map of all the regional exclusive Pokémon in Pokémon Go:

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Thank you to zoglandboy from reddit for creating this map.

Pokémon Go Regional Exclusives List - all regional exclusive Pokémon for Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, North America, South America, and New Zealand

Below is a list of where every regional exclusive Pokémon can be found, and the specific locations you'll find them in:

Regional Exclusive Pokémon in Africa for Pokémon Go:

  • Corsola - Kenya, Ethiopia, Madagascar
  • Lunatone - East of Greenwich
  • Solrock - West of Greenwich
  • Tropius - Anywhere within the continent
  • Shellos - Anywhere within the continent
  • Pansear - Anywhere within the continent
  • Throh - Anywhere within the continent
  • Basculin - Anywhere within the continent
  • Sigilyph - Egypt
  • Durant - Anywhere within the continent

Regional Exclusive Pokémon in Asia for Pokémon Go:

  • Farfetch'd - Japan and South Korea
  • Corsola - India, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Papus New Guinea
  • Volbeat - Anywhere within the continent
  • Torkoal - South Asia
  • Zangoose - Anywhere within the continent
  • Lunatone - Anywhere within the continent
  • Shellos - Anywhere within the continent
  • Pachirisu - Russia
  • Chatot - India, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea
  • Pansage - Anywhere within the continent
  • Sawk - Anywhere within the continent
  • Basculin - Anywhere within the continent
  • Heatmor - Anywhere within the continent

Regional Exclusive Pokémon in Australia for Pokémon Go:

  • Kangaskhan - Anywhere within the continent
  • Corsola - Northern Australia
  • Volbeat - Anywhere within the continent
  • Zangoose - Anywhere within the continent
  • Lunatone - Anywhere within the continent
  • Shellos - Anywhere within the continent
  • Chatot - Northern Australia
  • Pansage - Anywhere within the continent
  • Sawk - Anywhere within the continent
  • Basculin - Anywhere within the continent
  • Heatmor - Anywhere within the continent

Regional Exclusive Pokémon in New Zealand for Pokémon Go:

  • Chatot - Northern Australia
  • Relicanth - Anywhere within the country, including the surrounding islands (Fiji, Samoa, etc.)
  • Shellos - Anywhere within the country
  • Volbeat - Anywhere within the continent
  • Zangoose - Anywhere within the continent
  • Lunatone - Anywhere within the continent
  • Shellos - Anywhere within the continent
  • Pansage - Anywhere within the continent
  • Sawk - Anywhere within the continent
  • Basculin - Anywhere within the continent
  • Heatmor - Anywhere within the continent

Regional Exclusive Pokémon in Europe for Pokémon Go:

  • Mr. Mime - Anywhere within the continent (apart from far north Scandinavia, though level with Iceland - which also has spawns - is fine)
  • Volbeat - Anywhere within the continent
  • Zangoose - Anywhere within the continent
  • Lunatone - East of Greenwich
  • Solrock - Spain and west of Greenwich
  • Tropius - Southern Spain and the Mediterranean Sea (Malta, Cyprus, etc.)
  • Shellos - Anywhere within the continent
  • Mime Jr. - Hatched from Eggs sourced from anywhere in the continent (apart from far north Scandinavia, though level with Iceland - which also has spawns - is fine)
  • Pansear - Anywhere within the continent
  • Sawk - Anywhere within the continent
  • Basculin - Anywhere within the continent
  • Sigilyph - Albania and Greece
  • Heatmor - Anywhere within the continent
  • Klefki - France

Regional Exclusive Pokémon in the Middle East for Pokémon Go:

  • Corsola - Saudi Arabia, Yemen
  • Tropius - The Levant (Israel, Lebanon, etc.)
  • Lunatone - Anywhere within the continent
  • Shellos - Anywhere within the continent
  • Pansear - Anywhere within the continent
  • Basculin - Anywhere within the continent
  • Sawk - Anywhere within the continent
  • Sigilyph - Israel
  • Durant - Anywhere within the continent

Regional Exclusive Pokémon in North America for Pokémon Go:

  • Tauros - Anywhere within the continent
  • Heracross - Southern Florida and Southern Texas
  • Illumise - Anywhere within the continent
  • Seviper - Anywhere within the continent
  • Solrock - Anywhere within the continent
  • Pachirisu - Alaska and Northern Canada
  • Shellos - Anywhere within the continent
  • Carnivine - Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia
  • Panpour - Anywhere within the continent
  • Throh - Anywhere within the continent
  • Basculin - Anywhere within the continent
  • Maractus - Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Southern California
  • Bouffalant - New York City and surrounding area
  • Durant - East of Meridian Line

Regional Exclusive Pokémon in South America for Pokémon Go:

  • Heracross - Anywhere within the continent
  • Corsola - Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico
  • Illumise - Anywhere within the continent
  • Seviper - Anywhere within the continent
  • Solrock - Anywhere within the continent
  • Shellos - Anywhere within the continent
  • Chatot - Peru
  • Panpour - Anywhere within the continent
  • Throh - Anywhere within the continent
  • Basculin - Anywhere within the continent
  • Maractus - Anywhere within the continent, including the Carribean, Cuba and the Dominican Republic
  • Durant - East of Meridian Line

How to catch Tauros, Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime and Farfetch'd regionals in Pokémon Go

How to catch the four Gen 1 regional exclusives in Pokémon Go:

Note the above all have shiny versions available as of September 9th as part of 2019's Ultra Bonus rewards.

How to catch Heracross and Corsola in Pokémon Go

How to catch the two Gen 2 regional exclusives in Pokémon Go:

How to catch Relicanth, Illumise, Volbeat, Torkoal, Tropius, Zangoose, Seviper, Solrock and Lunatone in Pokémon Go

How to catch the many Gen 3 regional exclusives in Pokémon Go. Note that Plusle and Minun were originally part of this list - they are now available globally - while Lunatone and Solrock swapped regions with the arrival of the 2019 spring solstice.

No. Pokémon Type Region Encounter Locations
Volbeat Bug Europe



Fairly uncommon spawn anywhere within these continents.
Illumise Bug North America

South America


Fairly uncommon spawn anywhere within these continents.
Torkoal Fire South Asia Fairly common spawn anywhere within this area.
Zangoose* Normal Europe



Fairly uncommon spawn anywhere within these continents.
Seviper* Poison North America

South America


Fairly uncommon spawn anywhere within these continents.
Lunatone Psychic

Middle East
East of Greenwich in Europe
Uncommon spawn anywhere within these continents.
Solrock Psychic
North America
South America
West of Greenwich in the UK and Africa
Uncommon spawn anywhere within these continents.
Tropius Grass


Uncommon spawn anywhere within these continents.
Relicanth Rock
New Zealand

Surrounding Islands (Fiji, Samoa, etc.)

Fairly uncommon spawn anywhere in this area.

*As an interesting lore tidbit, Zangoose and Seviper are natural enemies (like a mongoose and a snake...) and so are never on the same continent. They actually started in reverse of the continents above, but swapped at the end of the Winter 2017 event, so they may swap back again!

How to catch Pachirisu, Carnivine, Chatot and Mime Jr. regionals in Pokémon Go

How to catch the seven Gen 4 regional exclusives in Pokémon Go:

The long-running Misunderstood Mischief research can now be completed - learn the latest Arlo, Cliff, Sierra counters and Giovanni counters to help you succeed. Other changes in Season of Mischief include a new Go Battle League, the addition of Raid Achievements and Ditto appearing elsewhere. Other major updates in the past year include a level cap increase, the introduction of XL Candy, boosts to some XP sources and the addition of Platinum Medals.

How to catch Throh, Sawk, Basculin, Maractus, Sigilyph and Bouffalant regionals in Pokémon Go

How to catch Gen 5 regional exclusives in Pokémon Go:

No. Pokémon Type Region Encounter Locations
Pansage Grass Asia-Pacific Generally everywhere. Evolves into Simisage with an Unova Stone.
Pansear Fire Europe, Middle East, Africa and India Generally everywhere. Evolves into Simisear with an Unova Stone.
Panpour Water Americas Generally everywhere. Evolves into Simipour with an Unova Stone.
Throh Fighting North America, South America, Africa Rare but generally everywhere.
Sawk Fighting Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Middle East Rare but generally everywhere.
Basculin Water Global - different forms regionally exclusive to location east or west of the Meridian Line Generally everywhere.
Maractus Grass South America, North America southern states - Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Southern California Rare but generally everywhere.
Sigilyph Psychic / Flying type Albania, Egypt, Greece, Israel Rare but generally everywhere.
Bouffalant Normal type New York City, USA and surrounding areas Generally everywhere.
Heatmor Fire Europe, Asia, Australasia Rare but generally everywhere.
Durant Bug / Steel North America, South America, Africa Rare but generally everywhere.

How to catch Klefki in Pokémon Go

Below you can discover the locations for all of the regionally exclusive Pokémon in Gen 6 in Pokémon Go:

No. Pokémon Type Region Encounter Locations
Klefki Steel / Fairy France
Channel Islands - Gurnsey and Jersey
UK - coastal areas of East Sussex and Kent
Belgium - southern regions (spotted in Brussels and Antwerp)
Switzerland - western regions near French border (spotted in Basel and Lausanne)
Italy - western regions near French border (spotted in Turin)
Spain - northern regions near French border (spotted in Logroño)
Germany - western regions near French border (spotted in Kaiserslautern, Freiburg im Breisgau and Karlsruhe
Only in the wild.

Good luck collecting every regional Pokémon in Pokémon Go - you're going to need it!

How To Get Mime Jr Pokemon Go


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